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  • Divorce and Separation
    Divorce is a process that terminates your marriage, considers your children disputes, maintenance and divides your matrimonial assets. We to you, help you through the process and arrive at a -win solution for you and your family. We adopt a solution focused approach in helping you resolve your matrimonial disputes with sustainable and amicable solutions. We will help you manage that rollercoaster ride where a plethora of emotions are running rampant. We have extensive experience in representing clients on their high conflict cases or, at the other end of the spectrum, obtain a divorce on a simplified (where the fact of divorce, children and financial issues are agreed before the filing of the divorce papers) basis. Our clientele ranges from individuals with high net worth to those legally aided, and, includes both local and overseas clients. In divorces where there are minor children (under the age of 21 years), and the parties are not proceeding with the divorce on a simplified (uncontested) basis, the filing party is required to attend a mandatory parenting programme run by the Ministry of Family and Social Development.
  • Annulment
    Unlike divorce, nullifying your marriage is a process that voids your marriage as though it never existed. Based on your factual matrix, our team is able to advice you on whether your marriage could be dissolved with an annulment application.
  • Cross-Border Family Conflict, Relocation, and Child Abduction"
    Cross-border family disputes and relocation arise most often in the breakdown of marriages where one of the parents is a foreigner or whose current partner is a foreigner, or where employment commitment requires a relocation and that parent wants to leave the country of the children’s habitual residence with the children to another country. In recent years, the increase in marriages or partnership between individuals of different nationalities, has led to an increase in relocation applications on the breakdown of such marriages or partnership. In this most emotive and difficult time of your life and that of your children, we listen to you and assist you to think through the process with a view to de-escalate the disputes and seek to restore and win the trust between the parents and put the children back into the parents’ focus. We have experience in advising parents in relocation and child abduction cases, as well as advice on registration of mirror orders, both in Singapore and overseas. We are also trained to provide mediation in cross-border family disputes, including child abduction access and custody cases.
  • Children Disputes
    You have been devoted to your children since they were born and have been there for every milestone in their lives and you want to continue to be there in each and every one of their future milestone in their lives. In your conflict with the other parent, we listen to you, assist you to think through the process to de-escalate your conflict and seek to restore the trust of the other parent so as to put the children’s needs back into the focus and find a win-win parenting arrangement so that each of you will be there for each of your children’s milestones and more. Child custody should be distinguished from care and control of the child. Child custody grants the custodial parent(s) authority in making major decisions regarding their child. Some of these decisions include matters concerning education, religion and health conditions of the child. On the other hand, care and control is only given to one parent, who will be involved in the child’s day-to-day matters. The other parent not given care and control will be granted access to the child for certain periods. We have experience in advising parents and grandparents in custody and guardianship matters.
  • Financial Disputes and Property Settlements
    When there is a breakup in a relationship, it is inevitable that along with it comes the challenge of how to divide your financial assets and properties. We will help you think how best to work out and finalise your financial and property settlement. Your financial and property settlement could be achieved through different approaches, such as, collaborative law, mediation, negotiation or, as a last alternative, litigation. We will listen to you, help you think through each of the processes and advice you on the right approach to take, to ensure a winsome outcome that is both sustainable and viable that will enable you to move forward thereafter.
  • Domestic Violence
    At a time where you are most vulnerable, we are here to render our help so that you are protected from domestic abuse and violence, both physical and emotionally, from a family member, the last person whom you should be expecting to treat you that way. We will help you navigate the complex court trial process, including the preparation of your affidavit of evidence in chief and that of your witnesses, preparing you for trial and the trial itself.
  • Mental Capacity and Deputyship
    In Singapore, the law provides that your loved ones are able to apply to Court to be appointed your deputies if you are lacking in mental capacity, whether by age, illness, accident or otherwise to make important day to day decisions, such as to manage your daily care and medical treatment and also in relation to your personal affairs, finances and properties. In addition to assisting deputies make such applications to Court, we also assist you, when you are of the mental capacity, to make a Lasting Power of Attorney to appoint a person or persons of your choosing to be your donee(s) to make decisions for you and manage your personal affairs, finances and properties when you become unable to do so yourself.
  • Adoption
    An order to grant you (and your spouse) permanent parental responsibilities for the child and simultaneously to extinguish the rights and parental responsibilities of the biological parents. An adoption application may be made by one biological parent and a step-parent to adopt the child of the biological parent. In an adoption process, the consent of each of the biological parents needs to be obtained before the filing of the adoption paper in Court. Before the adoption papers are filed in Court, the adoptive parents are required to attend a pre-adoption briefing run by the Ministry of Family and Social Development.

When a relationship breaks down, critical and difficult decisions often have to be made that will have long-reaching implications for you and your family and any children.

With the increasing number of transnational marriages, our firm acts for clients across Singapore and internationally who are embarking on divorce or separation.

We aim to provide a sensitive and yet authoritative approach through listening to you and providing you with expert and practical advice based on your individual circumstances to guide you through this difficult period of your life and to help you in moving forward during and after your divorce. 


We understand that being in such a situation can be emotionally traumatic and difficult and we are committed to providing a professional and yet personal approach to resolving your family disputes, where possible.

We will work with you to help and guide you to achieve what would be in your best interests for you and your children and both your future.

Given the nature of your circumstances, we understand the importance of preserving confidentiality and exercising discretion at all times.

If you are looking to adopt a child, we understand the sensitive nature of an adoption and have experience in dealing with the legal framework surrounding an adoption and with regard to the child concerned and the prospective parents.


One does not need to be a Singapore citizen to adopt in Singapore. However, you need to be residents in Singapore to adopt or holders of employment pass, dependant’s pass or an other pass that the Family Justice Courts deem as residents in Singapore in accordance with Section 4(6) of the Adoption of Children Act (Chapter 4).

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