In line with our solution centric focused, we often advice clients to consider alternative dispute resolution methods before proceeding immediately into headlong litigation. In a highly emotive situation such as a divorce where a plethora of emotions are often running rampant, to achieve what would be in the best interest of not just the couple, as individuals but the children, mediation or the collaborative process would allow parties involved in the conflict to take a step back and re-focus, and to arrive at a solution that allows the family, as individual members, to move forward long after the conflict has ended.
The collaborative practice or mediation allows you to be the driver of your own life and take control. Mediation is always an option that the couple is free to enter into at any time before and during (and sometimes after) the litigation process.
Aye Cheng is a family mediator on the panel of family mediators with the Singapore Mediation Centre and a MiKK trained cross-border family mediator. She is also a collaboratively trained family practice lawyer and a parenting coordinator.